definate maybe

definate maybe
some times the cube speaks volumes

Tuesday 21 February 2012

a recent doodle

not really a doodle its a sketch then I colour it and then take a digital pic, tweek the pic some but is still all my doing and I love bold colours as you can see. The top pic is another one from a few months ago.

something from my current writing

Sit in the Sunday morning
Take your space.
Be there ,real
find there is no other place.
It's only here you can feel
Let the moment surround us,
fall into this now.
This is when you will feel the change and bow.
Bow to what is raising
Bow to what goes down
Bow to those who are smiling
Bow to those who frown.

Monday 13 February 2012

enjoying my new job

Well I have been at my new job a couple of weeks now and I am really enjoying being back at work. I have not had a great deal of time to blog these last two weeks so I feel a bit rushed to just get a blog out.
I like dealing with the customers and when its busy it makes the day go by fast.The only drawback to it all is the long hours on that concrete floor, my feet take a beating and I hope I get more used to it over time.
One of the nice things about this job too is the close proximity its a short 10 min drive from home and I don't have to deal with "rush" hour at all.
On other fronts I have been spending most of my energy training and learning the job so creatively speaking not too much going on. I still enjoy a bit of guitar playing when I can and trying to write some poems but there is not allot of flow there right now.
Its always a good thing in life to continue learning and being new on the job there is lots to learn, I feel good about that. My manager has already complimented me a number of times at how comfortable I am with the customers.
My goal is not to necessarily  make a career at this job but it is helping me feel more confident in who I am. Being unemployed for a long period really brought me to an emotional and mental low, I feel like I am back in the land of the living and I am thankful for that.