definate maybe

definate maybe
some times the cube speaks volumes

Thursday 1 December 2011

I'm giving up

I cried and cried..... why did she give me hope why ?
and calls me a day late to say ..... sorry your not what we want .... the other guy is better
Fuck I am dejected and rejected ... fuck fuck fuck..... cry cry cry
I don't care anymore.... all they want to do is punish you call you in for interviews and treat you like shit!!!!!
fuck it all

I hurt..... so bad  so fucking bad


  1. Hey there! Don't give up. I know it's better said than done, but seriously, don't give up.
    There will be others :)

  2. this was the 6th job I have interviewed for and been turned down again.... christmas is a few weeks away and I had such high hopes I really thought this was going to be the place to hire me, the girl called me last friday and sounded so positive... I am crushed and hate life right now

  3. Sorry to hear that :(


    please don't give up on it. i'm a firm believer that the right things happen at the right time, even after going through the worst of things, so chin up please, and continue on....

  4. Just like the song goes: "Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, start all over again". Don't let the disappointments, or the pressure of the holiday's get you down. I consider the interviews a way of practicing your pitch. You also have to believe in yourself and if you do, that will show in the interviews.

    Wishing you the best in luck in finding that elusive job you seek, and the best in skill when you are called in for an interview.
