definate maybe

definate maybe
some times the cube speaks volumes

Monday 27 June 2011

a few synchronicities

I follow synchronicity when I see it even though there may not be what seems to be a major message behind it.
The other day one of my facebook friends had a status line mentioning "Laughing Cow" cheese, the next day we were in line at the grocery store and someone had left a package of same said cheese on the magazine rack ,then last night we went to my parents for a supper. There on the table was three packages of .... you guess it "Laughing Cow". I never knew mom to buy that brand in the past ...certainly not while I was at home.
Any way synchronicity shows up all the time and the message I take from it is usually just that life is playing fun games with us if we want to pay closer attention.
Here are another few from  recent days........... I just bought two new books at chapters the other day and both books mention Baruch Spinoza neither of these books are about philosophy.
I always feel fascinated when the smallest of synchronicity happens ..... they amuse me and at times frustrate me also as I want to find deeper meaning in them.
Perhaps deep down I want to think I am getting "secret" information from the universe or the source etc.
Or just maybe its like a great big game or puzzle to figure out or a hidden story to follow,
There are times when I have an intuitive knowlage of a situation that feels similar to the synchronicity. I will feel somehow that something will arise or happen or at times get answers to something without having to do the "work" so to speak.
I also have a very strong sensititivity to my own and others emotions both locally and at a distance.... but that is another blog
maybe for now I am supposed to relax and enjoy the simple things in life like cheese....laughing and uh cows?

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