definate maybe

definate maybe
some times the cube speaks volumes

Friday 30 September 2011

moon shadow moon shadow

I'm being followed by a moon shadow..... sort of .... more by moon synchronicity in the last few days.
lines in songs..... words in books.... images in videos.
pay attention to the moon
all random information about the moon  I was not doing any searches on moons.
Some have said the moon is magic
I think there is something to that!
If you put too much stock into that I guess they will call you a lunatic.
Who cares what they call you
Tonight I am going to go out and look for the moon.. hope it is clear..... just feel the need to watch it for awhile....
(PS view the pic separately)

Tuesday 27 September 2011

I can hardley speak of it

I had an afternoon beyond all my fears and truely lost in divine space.
It all started watching johnny mathis on youtube...... the song was actually a christmas song "When a Child is Born" ... a little early yes but I love the song.
some way into the song I feel my emotions rise, that inevitable flood gate of tears welling up and building pressure. It hits me and I begin crying and sobbing feelings and thoughts rush into me about my own childhood and of how the world is these days. Some vocalists have that kind of voice that reached deep down on a different level and he is one of those for me.
After I regain some breathing I move down into the living room and pick up my electric guitar and start playing. Music and words pour out feeling and a depth and breadth of emotion like I have not ever had before..... then I move over the to roland piano .... I keep playing the new song there ... it thunders and cascades out of ,my fingers to the keys and I am almost stoned by it all..... then on to my acoutic guitar and my harmonica again this song flows out of me and I almost feel an out of body expeience it is so powerful.
I have never been able to play for others and hope one day to be able to.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

indian summer

meet me in the Indian summer!
Its a great song by van morrison off a disc that I forget the name of now.
It feels quite like Indian summer here, cool air but lots of sunshine, the trees just starting to turn.
Fall is coming quickly and then frosty winter will blow into town again.
The decision is to not complain about winter this year ... just let it come and live with it.(for those of you  who live in climates that don't include -30 deg you may wonder what all the fuss is about)

I didn't get the job I interviewed for ...... feel down for sure now...... I just can't shut that off real quick.

Its now evening and I feel rather good.... thanks to a little coffee and a chocolate chip cookie.
This is the thing , I have found that the feeling just after a headache is gone is one of the most wonderful feelings in life... (coffee and cookie thank you very much) so if we don't have the headache we don't get the wonderful absence of a headache.
I also feel better after not getting THAT job , there will be something yet to come and all the worry in the world won't change that so...... onward and inward

Sunday 11 September 2011

not ready quite yet

Well it appears I am not quite ready to start the diet...........
Thursday all went well and then Friday ...... hmm it was the combination of the pizza brought in , the cupcakes being baked , the popcorn being popped and the last straw the left over Chinese food brought home....
I caved and had an eating frenzy

Saturday morning was then a given ..... pancakes, bacon, toast, eggs, hash browns
Saturday night hamburgers and chips

I am going to start over because I just was not ready
I did feel bad
I really want to stick to the diet for my health sake , need a few more days of eating I guess LOL

Thursday 8 September 2011

day one

Well today I am starting an 8 week diet that will reverse my type 2 diabetes. Its approx 800 calories a day and damn I am hungry already lol.
 I am not going to blog every day about the diet but will post feeling and such along the way.
I have the utmost of motivation for this diet and I know it will be hard but when I am done ... no more diabetes and probably no more issues with blood pressure too.
I hope to lose about 30lbs in the 8 weeks and then maintain that with good eating habits afterward.
I already mentioned the study from Newcastle University that this diet is based on in a previous blog so if your interested look down the line a bit

Wednesday 7 September 2011

yada yada

Well let's see ............ camping on the weekend was mostly good........ very hot weather  29 deg c sorry if you want the old archaic Fahrenheit you'll have to convert that yourself (spare ooome) (previous parenthesis inside joke)
I know at times I can be hard to get along with in groups.............I don't have the patients for some things like having to do ALL the work.... make the fire ... cook the meals ... haul the water... do the dishes  while some people sit around and lift not one finger to help.
(OK that bitch session is done next)

Went for a job interview today........ I feel it went well ....... we will see.
its the right shift .... mon to fri 7 to 3:30
its 7 min drive from the house to the front door ... nice short commute
The pay is good
the people seemed friendly
If they offer I will take it

We got a new washing machine today ... hooray the old one broke down a few days ago ... 2 loads done already and it has a bigger capacity so quicker laundry days yeah!!!

other wise yada yada