definate maybe

definate maybe
some times the cube speaks volumes

Tuesday 31 January 2012

going back to work

Well its official I got a part time job offer and will start a new job on Thursday. I am relieved to finally get something. I have not worked since last April,so I am looking forward to being back in the "world" so to speak.
2011 was one of the most difficult years for me in recent memory, 2012 already feels so much better.For any of you who have been unemployed for some time you know how much it messes with your self esteem and general state of mental health. I will be working in a retail setting , not what I am used to so I am both nervous and a little excited to be doing something new. I will be working for a large home improvement company called Lowes, they are based out of the united states and have been moving into the Canadian market.
I will be working in the plumbing department on a part time basis to start.
It will be a relief to have some money coming back in and to help out with things that way.
I also was at the doctor's office on Monday and things are improving with my various issues, that makes me feel glad too.
Today the sun is shinning so bright and I feel great...... life is one day at a time and that's the way I like it.  To any of my readers (I know there are a few of you ) have a great day and be happy to be here .... I am happ you are!!!!


  1. Hey, its thursday mister green! Happy first day of work! So glad you feel great and good and positive. I'm thinking of you right now and hoping you have a wonderful wonderful day x

  2. Don't forget to tell me how work went. I am super happy for you! You're right, there are a ton of Lowe's all over the U.S. and I think it's actually one of my favorite home improvement stores. Anyway, I really hope you like it. :))

  3. Congrats on the new job! I'm really glad you're feeling good... when it feels as though the sun shines upon you it is a beautiful place to be:) Perhaps for many of us, 2012 will prove to be a good year after all.

  4. Yeah, I changed it, lol. I grew tired of the dandelions, but I'm in the process of creating my own background, as soon as I come up with some ideas :)
    I'm glad you're well and enjoying work so far. Keep on keeping on! I'm rooting for you! \^o^/
