Well I see its time for me to blog again (he says as it sounds like a chore) It is not but I have not been into writing so much lately.
Thing are going well for them most part, I am most likely going to get a job offer on Monday and that is really good for me. I need to get myself back out into the work world. I say most likely but there is always a chance it won't come through, so until I have a firm offer its "a chance"
It is starting to get a bit warmer here and tomorrow the chinook winds are coming so its a forecast high of 12 C.
I had a great coffee time this morning listening to my favorite radio station CKUA they are a local Alberta radio station that is non commercial and they have such an awesome variety of music. Go to www.ckua.com and you can listen live anytime anywhere, check it out if you like everything from blues,roots jazz ,Celtic,folk, country,world, classical ,rock. Not like any other radio station.
I have discovered some of my favorite artists on CKUA.
Enough about that,Creatively I am sort of drifting at the moment no painting on the go ,not too many songs or poems. I feel fine but there is not a real fire in me at this time.
There are times when I feel like I need to say profound things of deep meaning however I spent allot of my life trying to unearth some of that stuff. I found mostly more holes dug than any mysterious spiritual treasure.
Who knows what tomorrow may bring? I will have to wait and see.
I was listening to a song by Jackie leven on youtube earlier this evening and afterwards sat down with my guitar I just realized that I said my creativity was drifting and I think it comes to me in small bursts of great playing like I did this evening.Those times I feel like I am somewhere else and the song just flows out. I need to remember to record it some time, so those songs go out to who knows where. They come from my heart and soul and I hope some angel out there is listening.